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error when passing php variable with ajax

My problem is as follows I have a BOOSTRAP menu where the content is extracted from a database mysql , being that when selecting an option I load the content of a page in a field div of central id. When I make the selection I...
asked on 17.09.2018 / 22:52

Use character? in sql queries using codeigniter

I have the following SQL query and I want to use the character "?" because the postgres 9.5 syntax requires it, the problem is that codeigniter by default uses that symbol to replace values in the SQL query. Any recommendations? SELE...
asked on 18.09.2018 / 02:36

To install a software created by me I must install a BD [closed]

first of all, thank you very much for reading. I'm a novice really, I'm interested in making software, with C #, a windows application which works with its own database. To develop it I am using SQL Server 2014, my doubt is once I finish th...
asked on 04.05.2018 / 08:11

VueJS. Can the v-on property be added to a transition-group tag?

I am working on a project of Vuejs 2.5, in which I have a dynamic table with an animation that I provide the default label and in it I say that it will work as a tbody so that the effect comes out with each tr to appear. <transition-group...
asked on 30.08.2018 / 22:23

Error getting the dates in query SQLite

Hello it happens that I had problem to obtain the records of the date field of a sqlite table, now I have corrected my code to obtain dates like this: do { inicio=new Entidades.TablaInicio(inicio); inicio.setId(
asked on 22.09.2018 / 20:09

FATAL EXCEPTION: main ... Load SQLite query to arrayList and pass it to Recyclerview

Hi, I have a project in Android and what I need is to pass the data of a cursor, that is, a query to an arraylist, and then pass that array to another to "map" each column of the cursor in a class to show the data in a recyclerview. I really hop...
asked on 31.08.2018 / 20:04

Apache with Xampp does not start through blocked ports

Log detail: 13:41:13 [main] Initializing Control Panel 13:41:13 [main] Windows Version: Pro 64-bit 13:41:13 [main] XAMPP Version: 7.0.8 13:41:13 [main] Control Panel Version: 3.2.2 [ Compiled: Nov 12th 2015 ] 13:41:13 [ma...
asked on 05.08.2016 / 13:58

Error searching for records by id with friendly_id

I do this in my functions edit, update, destroy @post = Post.friendly.find(params[:id]) if @post.user_id == There is some way to optimize and make a single function, before doing it this way: before_action :set_user_post,...
asked on 13.08.2016 / 20:45

How to apply CSS3 transformations to a parent element without affecting the child elements?

I need to apply a transformation of scale and skew to a div, but when doing this transformation it is also applied to the children elements. How do I make the child elements omit that property?     
asked on 01.12.2016 / 21:56

Delete scroll from a md-select does not work

I have the following code in Angular 1.X: <md-input-container style="margin:0; overflow-y: hidden !important;"> <label>STATUS</label> <md-select style="overflow-y: hidden !important;" ng-model="query.filte...
asked on 08.02.2017 / 15:49