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How to add a condition in this code

I have the following function in javacritps, but I want to be able to add a condition if the request is with yes, the checkbox is disable function MuestraDatos(Valor) { data = JSON.parse(Valor); var indice = 0;...
asked on 20.09.2018 / 21:06

How to check if a key is in a javascript dictionary

I have the following dictionary: diccionario = {1: "uno", 2: "dos", 3: "tres"} I would like to see if it contains a certain key, for example, 2. How can I know? And by the way ... I would also like to know how to check if a value is in t...
asked on 25.04.2018 / 17:33

Restrictions of the ternary operator ?:

I have this piece of code: (comprar >= 1 && comprar <= 40) ? ActualizarAsientos(Asientos, comprar) : cout << "Asiento fuera de rango"; Where the first condition is a void and the second one a text output, however...
asked on 15.04.2018 / 02:16

Instance individual class objects in a list

I try to instantiate several objects of the class Persona , which has three attributes, what should be the correct syntax to be able to instantiate it directly in the constructor of the list of people? // clase persona public class...
asked on 27.10.2017 / 19:45

Filter results in PHP / MySQL

I'm doing a message page in PHP and MySQL, I have a table called usuarios with the fields id , user , edad , pais and ciudad . I would like the user to be able to search for other users according to certa...
asked on 16.08.2017 / 16:05

How to navigate on the same page without using the scroll?

The main idea of creating this function is not to use the vertical scroll, and from a click event of a button or other control execute this function and navigate to a% tag <div> or a label <a> specify that it is in the...
asked on 10.08.2016 / 22:44

Delete files without leaving traces in Subversion commits

Some files were uploaded by mistake to my repository and I would like to know if there is any method to remove them completely because if I delete them and commit them, the history that they were once there is still there.     
asked on 11.01.2016 / 17:52

C ++ error no matching function for call to 'Node :: Node (point &, float &, Node &)'

I have an error in the code, precisely in the constructor, the compiler says that I am not passing the appropriate parameters, to put in context, this is the class that the constructor has, I only put the relevant functions to understand the dou...
asked on 20.11.2018 / 00:56

Java Tell a character other than a word

I know how to count the characters of a word but I do not know how to make it not to repeat itself if that character was already counted The output that I intend to draw would be a "RATA" entry, an exit from R 1, A 2, T 1. public class Main...
asked on 01.03.2018 / 13:56

Regular expressions in Bash

I'm trying to make a bash script, validate a directory using regular expressions, what I have is the following. echo "Ingresa La ruta de tu directorio" read ruta if [ $ruta != '^/[a-zA-Z]$' ];then echo "No has ingresado una ruta valida, re...
asked on 14.02.2016 / 22:21