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Validate an object within set, list, map

class Coordenada(){ int fila; int columna; //los getter and setter } int main(){ std::set<Coordena> coordenadaSet(Coordenada(4,6)); Coordenada coordenada(5,6); if(coordendaSet.find(coordenada) != coordenadaSet.end()){...
asked on 08.10.2018 / 11:10

Doubt about constexpr

Why not always use the reserved word constexpr when defining methods or functions? If he calculates everything he can in compilation and what does not, he finds it running, without causing error.     
asked on 09.10.2018 / 22:25

What is the difference between making a script and calling one?

In a few words I want to know what the difference is, PROS and / or CONTRAS to have a script full of funciones , or to call a file .js that contains all the functions. So far I have not had problems creating files ....
asked on 20.09.2017 / 17:23

is there any difference between p and paragraph without this element?

If I create for example a <div> and within the tags I place "the text of lorum" would be the same as placing a <p> within the <div> with the same text?    Lorem ipsum pain sit amet, consectetur adipiscin...
asked on 28.11.2017 / 02:10

How to remove spaces between div with css or Jquery?

I have been trying to remove the space that forms between the rows of the tables. This is what I have tried. I just tried to put border: 1 px solid black and still does not take the form I would like. I want the grid to be left without that d...
asked on 27.04.2018 / 16:53

How can I get a magnifying glass when selecting an editext on the keyboard? Android Studio

I'm making a mobile application, which I'm looking for to make a search engine, but I'd like to type the magnifying glass icon on the keyboard in the edittext of the search, how is that possible?     
asked on 25.05.2018 / 20:39

Loop with timer and conditions (Javascript)

I just started in the world of Javascript and I have doubts ... I have the following function, I want it to repeat as long as the random value is 204. When the code is 200 it must stop, if it is 500 notify error and stop too. The request will...
asked on 23.08.2017 / 13:34

Get a match in a text with regular expressions

I'm doing a practice in c # and I would like to know how I can get a substring of a string that meets some requirements. For example, I would like to take out what corresponds to a IP that would be . I had thought about re...
asked on 28.04.2017 / 17:14

Overlay opacity html css

I am developing a web page where I want to put a background image with an opacity of 0.3 and that the letters above do not suffer from opacity. The letters would be nested inside the div of the image. I do not know how to do it or if you can, wh...
asked on 28.07.2017 / 10:34

Validate request_time and delivery_time to be greater than 24 hours, with different models

From the current time, I need to validate that it is greater than 24 hours: hora_pedido is start time. hora_entrega is final time. From the parent model, there is an attribute called hora_pedido ; model: class Re...
asked on 08.06.2017 / 16:44