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Modify the Django user model

Django has its own model for managing users for login, I would like to know if this can be modified. The idea is to add some fields such as user type, mail, dependency, city, etc.     
asked on 19.04.2016 / 14:25

phonegap, android, iOS and web browsers

Do applications developed in Phonegap serve both mobile (Android, iOS) and web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, iExplore, etc.)? to have no code for mobile phones and independent desktop.     
asked on 19.04.2016 / 22:24

MySql DELETE using SUBQUERY with same table in FROM

Database manager system: MySql 5.7.11 I'm trying to create a SQL query to delete all the records that meet the following condition: This is a tariff system, a tariff table is related to the price table in a one-to-many relationship, and ea...
asked on 10.07.2016 / 18:25

Help in solving algorithm showing repeating figures - Java

Dear community, I would like support in solving this algorithm: Enter any natural number, to show the figures that are repeated and the number of times they are repeated. Example: Ingrese un número natural cualquiera: 471757347 El numero 4:...
asked on 17.06.2016 / 21:15

What a difference there is between the Res folder and the Assets folder in Android

I wonder if assets and res are the same in Android, is that sometimes I find examples that refer to resources in assets and others in res, is messing me up a bit.     
asked on 14.04.2016 / 19:12

Solve error has leaked IntentReceiver on Android

I have an extended class of BroadcastReceiver in I launch the listener registerReceiver( new ConnectivityChangeReceiver(), new IntentFilter( ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION));...
asked on 29.06.2016 / 11:38

Recursive Exercise C #

I'm stuck with a recursive exercise in C #, then I leave the slogan: -Make a tree as detailed below from the entry of a value of a variable. Ex: Entry 5 - - - - 1 - - - 2 2 2 - - 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 (I...
asked on 27.06.2016 / 16:12

___ ___ erkimt How hidden an entire column in a table with javascript / jquery? ______ qstntxt ___

I want to show / hide a column of a table using javascript / jquery .

Pressing a button shows or hides the entire column. The name of the column is on TH identified by an id I have achieved this by adding a class to each TD but I do not like this solution, I would like to achieve it without adding so much class attribute.

%pre% %pre%
______ azszpr135702 ___

Without so much code can be fixed by putting 1 button, instead of 2.

Unless it's strictly necessary, I think it's better if you only have one button, that you make %code% that commutes the visibility of the column.

To do this, we select the header with %code% and hide it or show it with %code% .

To hide / show the rows, we can make a small filter like this:


which means: Take the %code% that are your father's third child. The parent is the row %code% and the third child is the %code% in the Country column.

and to them you apply the %code% as well.

With this you save putting the %code% to each element you want to hide.

%pre% %pre%
______ azszpr135706 ___

To hide with %code% , without Jquery, it occurs to me that since you already have a class that identifies you, you can use them to add a class %code% , for example.

%pre% %pre% %pre%

If you also take into account the modification of %code% , you could delete the classes of each %code% and only add a %code% to the table as well as remove a button and have only %code% that works as a %code% , but all only with only %code%

%pre% %pre% %pre%
______ azszpr135708 ___

You can also do the following from CSS:


Or have a class hide in CSS and by means of javascript, add the class:


I want to show / hide a column of a table using javascript / jquery . Pressing a button shows or hides the entire column. The name of the column is on TH identified by an id I have achieved this by adding a class to each TD but I do not...
asked on 02.02.2018 / 12:15

How can I use sort with a pointer vector?

I'm trying to use sort with a vector type vector<node*> where node is a variable that I created myself. However I am not succeeding, it does not let me put that function inside the sort method. This is my code: int compOrga...
asked on 15.12.2017 / 12:53

String Separator in Java

I am generating a Jtable that has some information, however there is a field that obtains several data and they are stored to the side inside the same cell, currently separated by a comma (,) but my problem is that I need no last comma. For...
asked on 22.10.2018 / 20:08