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Search data in Sql and display them in C # ComboBox

Good afternoon. I would like to know how I can show data in ComboBox . This data I look for in SQL and I show them in a DataGridView but I would like to show it in a ComboBox , this is what I have of code. public DataTabl...
asked on 25.11.2016 / 21:54

query to obtain maximum date between several tables

Is it possible to obtain the most recent date among several tables, given the id of a main table that is in all the other tables? How could I get this? Table 1 main id_tabla1 descripcion table 2 id_tabla2 fecha fk_tabla1 table 3...
asked on 13.12.2016 / 15:35

Creation of .zip with php

I'm trying to create a folder compressed with php at the moment it adds a single file but the idea is to be dynamic. function crear_zip($id_paciente){ $files = array( 'C:\xampp\htdocs\bitnami.txt' ); $zipname = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\zipped_...
asked on 27.12.2016 / 16:42

Insert an array in one position within another

I'm doing an exercise of POO but with pointers, and I have to insert an array into another in the position that is requested, without overwriting or losing those that are, just move it. In the function void IntArr::addElement(int po...
asked on 18.04.2018 / 20:00

Memory leak when assigning pointers

I've been doing some tests with this code: int main() { int i; float *a, *b; a=(float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*10); b=(float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*20); b = a; //FUGA DE MEMORIA??? free(a); free(b); } M...
asked on 30.05.2018 / 12:51

I have problems with certain libraries C

I'm doing my university project and I'm creating several libraries, among them I have these #include "menus.h" #include "usuario.h" #include "listaMaterias.h" #include "validacion.h" The problem I have is that the library "validacion.h"...
asked on 28.11.2016 / 20:23

Explode in PHP to separate characters

I need to make a split or explode in PHP of this string: $nombre = I_20_IH_21_23_HP_junio.jpg; I have to do 3 strings separated by I_ y _I ; H_ y _H ; P_ y . I tried to do an explode but I do not know how to...
asked on 25.04.2018 / 11:58

make Javascript work when several events happen

Good morning! I have 5 inputs which I want to show in a label the sum of the 5 but dynamically, that is to say as I go digitanto the numbers in the inputs, example if in the iunput 1 I typed the 3 and in the input 2 digité the 4 show me immed...
asked on 05.04.2018 / 16:32

Sort Array using an int variable from another class

I am currently new to this java and I have a question about sorting arrays . I have this code in a previously created class. public class Orden { int value; public Orden(){} public Orden(int value){ this.value= va...
asked on 06.04.2018 / 07:17

When is it better to use LinkedList and when ArrayList.?

I have problems to differentiate when to use one or the other .. For example, in an agenda in which you add contacts and delete them I think it would be LinkedList. I would like an answer to easily understand when to use one or the other. A l...
asked on 13.06.2018 / 20:42