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pointer to nested struct

Code: #include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct alumno1{ int edad1; float nota1; }; struct alumno{ int edad; float nota; struct alumno1 *alu1; }; int main(int argc,char **argv){ struct a...
asked on 05.04.2018 / 11:30

Get object values Rest JavaScript

I make a request with Ajax to a web service and this one decuelve an object. $(document).ready(function () { $.ajax({ url: "
asked on 31.05.2018 / 10:05

Change the hour format to 24 in HTML

How can I change the format of input type="time" to 24 hours? I searched for the HTML5 tags but there is no one that I need.     
asked on 16.03.2017 / 16:08

Change margin-left according to the coordinates where you clicked

I want that when I click on the screen I take the coordinates and those coordinates are placed as a value for the margin-left. This is my javascript code. function coordenadas(event) { x=event.clientX; y=event.clientY; document.getElementBy...
asked on 30.03.2017 / 16:51

How to format Chilean Rut with points and script when entering it in the input

When entering a routine it is validated, but I would like to format it so that when it is entered it will be in the format 1.234.567-8 or 12.345.678-9 I have tried this way: function validaRut(rut){ var suma=0;...
asked on 03.07.2017 / 15:20

Query MySql delete from

In the database I have. Coches(matricula,año,modelo) Es_Dueno(id_conductor,matricula) Persona(id_conductor, nombre, direccion) and I want to delete the model car Mazda of the client Santos I made the following query: DELE...
asked on 24.11.2016 / 16:40

How does a return a || b of a function in recursion in JavaScript?

This is a recursive function to show on the screen how to obtain X number through a mathematical calculation where you can only sumar 5 (+5) or multiplicar por 3 (*3) , having as base the number 1: Example: If I want to get...
asked on 11.08.2017 / 00:50

Nothing to repeat error

This code what does is find in a string the indexes of "[" and "]" , then with substring, I only take the part inside the brackets. Then I draw them in a canvas according to the if: a string that is without the conte...
asked on 29.06.2017 / 13:48

How to compare with equals a question with 2 possible answers

I'm doing an exercise in java and I have to compare the answer entered:    Do you want to continue? s / n: You must contemplate both s and S How do I do it? I can only do it with an answer     
asked on 14.07.2017 / 13:40

Duplicate files when uploading them in ASP.NET MVC

I have the following code which I use to register images and pdf's, the problem is that up to the moment when I register for example two different images I save 1 but 2 times. And in the case of the PDF what I want is for me to save only one for...
asked on 13.06.2017 / 20:00