Questions tagged as 'batch'


Edit by command line a txt file

I need to modify line 5 and line 15 in a .txt file by means of a .bat modifying the date of the day. The data to be modified would be the following: HostFile=BIBLIOTECA/ARCHIVOddmmaa PCFile=\servidor\carpeta\subcarpeta\ARCHIVOddmmaa In w...
asked by 22.08.2017 / 15:00

CMD hide text when writing [closed]

way to encrypt or not display text when writing in CMD.     
asked by 28.06.2017 / 17:54

Cron job php to send mass mail

I have made a small program in php that consults who is celebrating the day today and sends a congratulatory email to the people who throw the query, with PHPMailer, everything works perfect, now I want to automate it, and I want to create a cro...
asked by 08.05.2017 / 16:52

I have this KSH script, but I can not execute it, does anyone know why?

Obviously I gave him the execution permissions with chmod and tried to execute it with "ksh" plus the name of the file and the parameter, but I could not execute it, they are only validations ... #!/usr/bin/ksh #Variables generales P_FECHA=$1...
asked by 25.04.2017 / 22:39

use of bat in keyword search

Please if someone tells me how to make a change within a csv extension file, by a bat, I say if within the csv file I have written parts example: 32 image.jpg I want the bat to only place the text hlmm and change it to gfmm and tha...
asked by 24.12.2016 / 05:20

Batch to compress .Bak files using Winrar

At a certain time of the day, the backup of my database is generated, which has a .Bak extension. What I try to do is an archvivo bat which will be executed as a scheduled windows task at a certain time of day to perform the compression of the ....
asked by 20.11.2018 / 18:30

How can I edit a specific text line in BATCH?

PLEASE DO NOT CLOSE ME THE QUESTION :( I have not found any solution for me anywhere. I'm trying to make a batch so that people who need it can download it, so I can not do without command extensions. It's a long procedure what I want to do...
asked by 25.11.2018 / 21:59

Open the most recent file in a network drive

Is there any way to perform this operation using the vlc? I already have the code that opens the last recent file in this case a file of both video and audio the mess is as follows: when doing this operation I use pushd since if I use...
asked by 16.11.2018 / 13:56

Copy .sql files from the server to my pc by means of a batch

I have a scheduled task that makes BackUps of my database daily on the server and on my pc I have a bath that runs at a certain time by copying the sql files that are generated on the server and copying them on my pc. With the following code I m...
asked by 12.11.2018 / 18:46

I have a problem linking several variables in BATCH (cmd) with the "&" symbol

This is the problem: set /a var1= %todo% & echo %linea%>>%exename% set todo= %var1%' What I want is that %var1% contain all the information above, and then pass it to %todo% This is mostly that and the &...
asked by 15.10.2018 / 18:55