I have the following script.bat that asks me to enter the username and password despite having specified it in the code. What have I done wrong? I want you to identify yourself automatically, just execute the bat you have to do everything.
Hi, I made a small bat to start an application with a different log eg.
Applicacion -many -workdir "C:\Users\User\Desktop\instance3\data"
But what I wanted to do is that the instance3 value every time I start it is unique so each log will b...
I have a batch which takes the name of the file and path of a parameter in a table and then executes a select and saves it in a txt. The problem that is occurring is that in the last line I create a record with NULL (I am going to attach an imag...
Good morning. I was wondering if it would be possible to align the partitions using a batch or powershell script in Windows 7 and up.
I know there is third party software that does it but it would be possible to do it by means of a script?
I have a code but I still have errors and I do not know how to solve it.
I want to make variables with the name of the file and match it to its size in this way f|archivo1.ext=tamaño for this I have a temporary file where I include the na...
someone could support me with the following code, since I can not execute in several files by means of a .bat:
@echo off
set /p serial = Escribe el Serial:
set /a serial = (%serial%)
findstr /i /m /l /C:"%serial%" \server\Resultados\*...
I'm having a problem trying to make my script read all the files in a folder to assign variables.
At this moment it works as I do with a list in which I set the path of the file.
Is there any way for the script to go through the servers fo...
I am creating a script in Batch that self-downloads the backup of an S3 every day. I already have everything that has to do with the S3Browser but I have a small problem when downloading the last backup (the most recent one). The backups are ass...
I want to run a msi package from a .cmd file, but I have two drawbacks:
This code allows me to install the package msi , but I get the window where it asks me to press the next button and finish , also asks me if I...
Is there any way to get the value of the PATH environment variable through the command prompt?
For example:
REG QUERY HKCU\Environment /v PATH
It throws me the value of the PATH variable of the current user (it can also be done with the...