and I tried to make a publication on the Thingspeak platform but the operation returns an incorrect request of 400, and I tried a publication with another test platform and got 200ok, but thingspeak did not work for me, the commands I use are as...
I'm trying to get the last record of x variable in a dynamoDB table using php. The simple way I had was to get the data for the last 10 minutes and those get the first.
//Ruta de la variable que se quiere obtener
$nameVariable = $this->conv...
I have a problem that I can not find a solution for, I saved the path of an image, which I store in the storage / employees folder, when I retrieve it in local it works correctly but when I upload it to a hosting I get the following error:
I am developing a web with Laravel and I need to pass the data that comes from a controller to a module called seciones.blade.php that is in a folder called includes , so that the structure is like this:
How can I pass the following query in Laravel 5.4
TRIM(SUBSTRING(NombreCliente, locate( ' ',NombreCliente), 2) )
I have to return in a table in HTML, the name of the user and the
names of posts; however, I have registered more than one post
user; for which I require to use group_concat() for
put them in a single cell; I'm trying it this way...
You see, I have the following table User:
Schema::create('users', function(Blueprint $table){
To begin with, I have this migration:
Schema::create('animals', function (Blueprint $table){
At Laravel, while I try to send a request via POST using ajax , it returns the following error:
405 (Method Not Allowed).
$("#Enviar").click(function (e) {
var nombre = $('#name').val();
var nombr...
Hello, I have the following table in the DB
id | name | precio | fecha_compra
I would like to bring the total price of all purchased fruits grouped by months using eloquent or querybuuilder
the result that is but is the following...