I want to make the query of a section table and of it to show the data of another table that is related, called semesters. I need help on how to consult it in the controller and how to display the data in the view
My controller
On the blade I have this code:
<tr id="{{$employee->id}}">
<td class="visibleemployee">
<form action="{{route('admin.employees.cambiarVisible',$employee->id)}}">
<button type="button" id="buttonchangevisib...
I have a laravel blade form, using the input of the laravel collective form, for example:
<div class="form-group col-xs-4">
{!!Form::label('Titulo de modalidad','Titulo de modalidad:')!!}
What kind of friends do I come to ask for your help, I am working on laravel 5.4 for some issues I have to execute a stored procedure that performs an insert and returns the id of the saved record, my question is how do I receive the id that ret...
How can I save documents in the public_html folder on my server?
I'm trying to save images but I can not get it, in my localhost it works fine, I attach my code:
$file = $request->fi...
The code I have in the function is the following:
->where('order', DB::raw("(select 'order' from projects)"))
->order + 1;
The error that shows me is the following:
Undefined property: Illuminate...
Inserting any date in laravel 5.5 into a SQLserver database gives me the following error:
SQLSTATE[22003]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]
Error de desbordamiento aritmético al convertir expression al tipo de datos datet...
I am trying to make an insert in a table with a many-to-many relationship.
My doubt is if there is any way to validate, if that relationship exists do not add it again this is the code that I use but I do not know if eloquent already brings some...
I'm trying to call the update path using the form's action and it does not send me any errors, but even then in the database my registry does not update. I'm using laravel's Route :: resource.
This is my form:
//Aqui quiero llamar la funci...
The problem is this, I have a form and I use ajax to bring me a specific section of it by means of a select field, I use views created with Laravel.
function showPlanningFormProduct(){
var value = this.valu...