Questions tagged as 'matlab'


Is my Jacobi algorithm correct?

I have programmed in Matlab the method of jacobi , but it does not solve the systems well, it gives me incorrect results I leave my code function [X]=jacobi(A,V,b,tol) % b es el vector de la igualdad % V es el vector de valores iniciales...
asked by 18.07.2018 / 23:34

I have a syntax error in simulink in an Fcn block

I'm doing a simulation in Simulink and I get a syntax error message in the functions. Function 1: (-1/2).*A.^(-1).*D.^(-1).*((-1).*C.^2.*Mc+(-1).*B.^2.*Mp+B.^2.*Mp.*cos(u(4)+u(2)).^2+C.^2.*Mc.*sin(u(6)+(-1).*u(2)).^2).^(-1).*((-1).*A.*Bth.*...
asked by 25.06.2018 / 23:01

can FEM be used in image segmentation?

I'm looking for how to use FEM to segment a given image. It should be noted that the image is grayscale. The main problem is that I still know how to make MATLAB (I'm starting to use it) to triangulate (because it's the simplest) of the image...
asked by 30.05.2018 / 18:08

How to make improper integrals in matlab and paint the area under the curve?

we must do a project in matlab we must enter a function and the limits so that the integral is improper and returns the graph with the value of the area under the curve, the problem is that we can not generate the graph correctly, walking online...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 06:34

fsolve non-linear equation system

It does not work for me. It seems that I do not know how to use the fsolve. It stops after the first iteration giving illogical results. %% parámetros a=2.07E-05; n=0.75; m=0.2; rho_O2=1180; L=1:30; mox=0.030259; %% variables iniciales D0(1:...
asked by 09.05.2018 / 19:58

integration by rectangles

I want to do the integral by rectangles of this function but I get an error, someone can help me please. funcion: function A = f_intRect(f,a,b,n) % Devuelve la aproximacion de la integral por rectangulos centrados % A: valor de la integral num...
asked by 16.05.2018 / 00:36

Linear regression to pieces in matlab

Hi, I would like you to help me in this. This is what I have been able to tell me if I am going well or not and if so, what should I do please: function: function [m,b,error, yApp]=f_regresionLineal(x,y) xp = mean(x); yp = mean(y); n =...
asked by 25.04.2018 / 16:00

fsolve within two loops (Matlab)

I am trying to solve a system of non-linear equations in matlab. At first I tried with the solve and it did not work out. Now I'm trying with fsolve and it gives me incoherent results, in addition to stop in the second iteration. I pass the code...
asked by 28.04.2018 / 11:51

how to do fscanf () of matlab in octave?

I send data from arduino to the pc via bluetooth and I capture them with octave I use the function readtotermination [], but when plotting them in real time there is a delay when plotting and this does not happen in matlab. I use the control ins...
asked by 10.03.2018 / 18:00

how to convert to function

could guide me to pass this code to function in matlab please: Gauss-Jordan method format rat A=[2 -1 3 5; 4 2 3 7; -2 3 0 -3]; %% entrada de % datos %% B=(A); for i=1:length(B(:,1)) %%para i desde la primera fila hasta el númer...
asked by 28.02.2018 / 07:01