I would like to know if you could help me with the following problem, through graphql I make a call to my endpoint that returns the token and authorization in the header but I can not put them in my graphql endpoint and I would like to know if a...
When I try to upload the project, I get this alert
PS C:\Users\Cristian\Desktop\website-node> now
> WARN! Your project is missing a now.json file with a 'version' property.
More: https://zeit.co/docs/version-config
> Deploying ~\Desk...
I am developing an exercise with socket.io where I communicate to several users depending on the room they are in, but when I write the name and save it with the id that generates socket.io By default when you change from one page to another...
I had problems with the installation of a program (this has nothing to do with my question) and I had no choice but to format and install all the OS and other programs.
I have created a website that uses gulp among other things, and after ins...
I have a problem I just installed Expo Devs Tools using the windows console but when I run it I get the following error:
[00:31:17] Can not read JSON file: C: \ Users \ ACTIVA DIGITAL \ package.json
[00:31:17] └─ Cause: Error: ENOENT: n...
Good evening I would like you to explain to me how it would be done to add by vue to mongodb ++ in victories
const Schema = new Schema
nombre: string,
victorias: Number,
may be the question somewhat confusing just beginning to practice and...
I try to add data to my Array by mongose but nothing happens, in the DB continuous same, I can not change it.
No matter how many times you run, it does not change, it is no...
I've been testing firebird for the first time, using node-firebird to connect, but apparently it seems to connect it does not show any results, it stays on hold without doing anything.
The code is the standard of the documentation, and I have...
I do not understand why the module query.js is executed twice
so I read it might be for an arrow function, but I can not find the problem.
const mysql = require('mysql');
//----------------------------------------------- require mysq...