I am conducting a Principal Components Analysis (ACP) in R to summarize the monthly correlation patterns found in 30 sampled regions. To do this, I am using as input an array of 10 (months) x 30 (regions) -download here -.
At first I was worki...
The final goal is to create a txt where each row is different.
For this I have different variables with different values that are going to be combined.
The solution I provide does not seem the most appropriate because if the number of values is...
With these packages:
I would like to be able to put these putos on a map with greater relief following this script...
Reviewing the exercises for loops of this site
I was curious about number 5:
"Use a for loop to simulate 20 coin tosses 20 times, recording the results (1 = heads, 0 = tails) in a pre-set vector" (own translation)
The solution pr...
I wanted to know how to tilt (certain degrees to the right) the axis labels x of a barplot .
When I run the script of barplot :
barplot(Indexpercentage, horiz = FALSE, col = c("Green","Orange","Red","Blue"), be...
I would like to learn how to order a dataframe (List_Habitat) depending on your own criteria.
Specie Habitat
Amaranthus Crop
Apiaceae Edge
Asteraceae Quercus
Malvaceae Wasteland...
I'm just going through my adventure with R and I still have many doubts.
I would like to create a bwplot of the 5 subsets that I have but I have no idea how to do it. I want to compare variables RealInv and RealGNP .
It is...
I have a factorial experimental design which I want to graph.
I do:
LmA<-lm(z ~ (x+ I(x^2)+y+I(y^2)+I(y*x)), data=dudagrafico)
and so I get the formula of the model.
I would like to make a graphic of this style:
Here i...
I am trying to adjust a curve of accumulation of nutrients and dry matter of corn in R.
I know that the curve that it describes is sigmoidal and that the accumulation of dry matter or nutrients depends on time.
My first question is how I adjust...
I'm trying to fit a sigmoidal curve to several data sets, so I'm using this script:
plotPoints (MS ~ Day, data = dataT1)
MST1 <- nls(y ~ a + ((b - a)/(1 + exp(-c * (x - d)))),
data = dataT1,
start = list(a = min(data...