Questions tagged as 'woocommerce'


Woocommerce with Booking Plugins

I'm using the Booking plugins, I was fine to book by the hour and people. It makes the calculation of the price well depending on the people who attend. After an update when you add to the basket, the reservation passes well but does not drag...
asked by 23.02.2018 / 08:40

Force check out form of the name only letters

I did the following function in wordpress in the file functions.php : function trick_change_checkout_field_input_type() { echo "<script>document.getElementById('billing_phone').type = 'number';</script>"; } add_action( '...
asked by 23.02.2018 / 00:12

Woocommerce API REST - Response when creating order lasts 10 MINUTES

I will share a problem to see if you can help me: I'm sharing the woocommerce api to create an order ( WC-DOCs ), remove the json from the same documentation, and everything works perfect, the order is created at instant (I can see it at th...
asked by 20.02.2018 / 07:24

Rates according to Zip Code

Is there a method to assign rates according to the zip code? example * I have a book in stock but I can sell only to the zip codes 1012 1013 and 1014 * Each zip code as I have very far I need to put a different rate for shipping: I need to...
asked by 04.03.2018 / 18:26

Product check in Wordpress [Woocommerce]

Good morning community StackOverflow, I have some doubts because I want to make a check in PHP on the Wordpress platform, in the table wp_posts . I want to check if the title of a product exists. But how should I proceed to perform a check, for...
asked by 07.02.2018 / 09:36

Insert products to woocommerce does not show the price

Good community, I'm having a problem and I do not know how to fix it. I am entering the data via PHP and I have the problem that the price does not show in the capture you have here: Capture_1) Capture_2) On the other hand, you ente...
asked by 06.02.2018 / 15:57

Integrate Woocommerce with PayPal and Mercadopago (Currency Exchange)

Good evening! As I did not find much information about it, I make the following query. I need to sell products from my site with woocommerce in Argentine pesos, using the MercadoPago gateways for users in Argentina, and Paypal for purchase...
asked by 22.12.2017 / 01:14

Wocommerce does not redirect to cart

Fighting a bit with Woocommerce, something funny happens to me, I have copied the templates folder to my theme in the path /miTema/woocommerce/ and I created the file woocommerce.php with the code <section class="conte...
asked by 10.12.2017 / 20:12

Align images of Products in WooCommerce store

I've really given the CSS of my store a lot of laps to correctly align the thumbnails that appear on the main page of my WooCommerce store. The theme that I use is Ascend from Kaddence Themes although very modified, the css I can not attach i...
asked by 26.09.2017 / 06:01

How to capture data from my woocommerce filter?

Good morning, I need to capture my filter data as shown in the image so that when I clicked on the "find product" button, I sent them as an application form to an email. But all I need to know is how I can capture that data. An example could hel...
asked by 10.07.2017 / 18:49