Questions tagged as 'woocommerce'


How to put a WaterMark or watermark to my products without woocommerce stock?

Good morning, I need to put an image as a watermark to my products that do not have stock in my shop of woocommerce any example that serves as a guide ?, I found this example right here but without any results. ADD: Update the code I a...
asked by 11.07.2017 / 15:06

Test the marketpago app with woocommerce with trial users

I integrated mercadopago to woocommerce and was seeing that there is a sandbox mode to test with trial users. The problem is that I do not know how to create such users.     
asked by 20.07.2017 / 20:03

Woocommerce - Change the default 'carousel' of products

Let me explain myself better: When you enter a product, the images of it are shown in slider or carousel modes. I would like to change the one that comes by default, since the thumbnails appear below the main image, and I do not like the desi...
asked by 20.06.2017 / 13:40

Variables $ _GET and $ _POST in Woocommerce Wordpress

I am having problems when removing a product from the shopping cart. The problem comes from a woocommerce feature ( update_carta_action ), and this function does not receive the parameters $ _GET or $ _POST and therefore does not enter to take a...
asked by 23.05.2017 / 17:32

card does not process the payment

Every time I want to make payment card conta not allow me and in the payment log I figure the following 04-26-2017 @ 22:40:55 - [check_ipn_response] - order received but has no payment 04-26-2017 @ 22:40:56 - [successful_request] - starting to...
asked by 27.04.2017 / 03:50

Woocommerce: Add html tag under a field

I'm trying to add an html tag "< p >" below the Billing_Address_2 field. They recommended me to do it with a hook and this is what I tried: function aviso_rojo() { echo '<p class="aviso_rojo" style="color:red;float:left;display:no...
asked by 06.04.2017 / 01:00

Export products from ML to WooCommerce

good afternoon. I wanted to know if there is any mode or plugin that allows me to export products published in ML and publish them in a WooCommerce store. Thank you very much     
asked by 10.03.2017 / 17:34

how can I add several products to a woocommerce category?

I have been trying to add approximately 200 products to a category but I can not find the solution for this. Would there be any way to do directly from the wordpress dashboard? Or could it be done with SQL in the database?     
asked by 17.01.2017 / 17:46

Problems of integration Market Shipping and Woocommerce [closed]

I am trying to integrate Market Shipping in my store made with Wordpress + Woocommerce + Mercadopago official module. I have installed the latest version of the plugin, and configure the Basic Checkout settings, with the data of api and others,...
asked by 05.09.2017 / 20:29

Woocommerce hook or action for shopping cart

I have a question, for Woocommerce there is a hook or action that allows me to obtain the list that is stored in the shopping cart. Thank you so much. Thank you very much in advance     
asked by 06.11.2018 / 21:57