Questions tagged as 'woocommerce'


Delete breadcrumbs

As they are, you know I have a problem, I am occupying Woocommerce with the StoreFront template they offer, I want to remove the breadcrums in the pages and it is impossible for me. Look in the documentation and it shows how to do it, the proble...
asked by 29.03.2017 / 18:24

Woocommerce: disable address fields when selecting a state / city

I'm trying to hide the address fields when you select an option in states that is not "Lima and Callao". This is what I have tried so far. jQuery: if($("#billing_state option:selected").val() != "Lima y Callao"){ $('#billing_address_1_fiel...
asked by 04.04.2017 / 00:28

How to call a woocommerce variable to another php file?

Good morning, I have the following code in functions.php : include('popup.php'); add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'boton_sub_producto_single', 6 ); function boton_sub_producto_single() { global $product;...
asked by 08.07.2017 / 18:37

Display variable name woocommerce in product pre-visualization

happy day. It happens that I would like to show the name of the variations in the product range imposed by woo comerce: Then in the image above I have two variations, the one on the left called x and right and . Searching for the...
asked by 08.03.2017 / 19:06

Save custom field woocommerce with php

I'm working with woocommerce in wordpress, developing a php function that uses a hook to store some extra information about the generated order. The question is: how can I save this extra information (related to an order id) in the database?...
asked by 01.03.2017 / 16:42

Incorportar Mercado Submission in the Mercado de Pago module of Wordpres

Good, I'm starting with woocommerce and market payment. Install the official paid market module, but I can not find a way to use the shipping market. Someone could integrate market sent in wordpress with woocommercer ???     
asked by 06.02.2017 / 15:47

Wordpress - Help with borders

I am in need of help with my wordpress page. link In the image of the body, whose text says "from the field to your house", I have difficulties to remove the edges of the sides. I would like the image to be completely expanded towards the e...
asked by 24.01.2017 / 03:32

NullReferenceException when using the WooCommerce.NET plugin

I am using the "WooCommerce.NET" plugin, to make the connection between WooCommerce (version 2.6. *) and my application on with C # in Visual Studio 2013. Trying to use the "GetProducts ()" method throws me the following exception:...
asked by 28.09.2016 / 17:35

Translate the Woocommerce plugin in its entirety [closed]

Good guys, I have tried everything possible to translate these parts of Woocommerce but I have not found anything yet, these are the parts I want to translate into Spanish. And this is the other part:     
asked by 13.07.2017 / 22:21

sale price of woocommerce have any value and that is not less than the regular price

I want to change the value of "sale price" of the products so that I do not get an error when I put it higher than the "Regular price", how could I do this? Using PHP in the woocommerce code or installing a plugin? I've been looking at...
asked by 31.05.2017 / 17:42