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List html in a textarea

I know that to list in html code is: <ol> <li>Este será el 1. </li> <li> Este será el 2. Y así sucesivamente. </li> </ol> The fact is that I need it in a textarea or in some way. I need to make the us...
asked on 13.07.2017 / 09:35

I would like to see a value of a decimal without C ++ being rounded

I need help with a code in C ++, the exercise asks me to do a calculation, if the result is, for example 1.57, in the output it should show 1.5, (the variable can be float or double) without making the rounding. #include <iostream> #incl...
asked on 07.08.2017 / 19:31

PHP: -IF- Ask if the field has letters

Good morning everyone! I came across something that is making me renege and I still can not find the solution: My code enters a field which if it has LETTERS I cancel it. That is: $valor= "1A8CF4D2414E000094136...
asked on 04.10.2017 / 21:28

Millennium change date format error

When reading the date of birth of the CURP, and formatting it ( yyyy-MM-dd ), when entering a CURP with date of birth (example: XXXX270503XXXXXXXX ) the formatter instead of putting the date as 1927-05-03 puts it as 2027-...
asked on 03.08.2017 / 00:14

Show the photo of a contact on Android

I get the photos of the contacts with: c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.PHOTO_URI) Returns the path of the photo: content:// How can I read it and load it in ImageView...
asked on 15.09.2017 / 22:30

How do I get all the elements that have a class? by jQuery [closed]

I get the elements well by javascript but not by jQuery and I need them by jQuery . By javascript I get them this way: let all = document.querySelectorAll('.botonEstado'); console.log(all); And it actually gives me the result....
asked on 05.08.2017 / 19:24

Align to the right a label inside a td aligned to the left in bootstrap

I'm wanting to align on the right a label of bootstrap within a td aligned to the left, the goal would be the following: I'm not making it, try aligning span to the right of td as follows, but it does not work: <...
asked on 15.09.2017 / 16:27

Help with Python cycle

Someone could explain to me the process that carries out the following line of code (see the image for more details). Specifically, this one: langs = [language for language in languages if language['name'] == name] I have already tried t...
asked on 29.07.2017 / 11:40

Limit selection of random positions in a two-dimensional array

I'm doing a minesweeper that should have size 10 * 10 and within this I must locate 10 mines in random positions. My problem is that when generating the random positions, these are, in some cases, repeated and therefore overwritten. That is,...
asked on 16.09.2017 / 04:02

Help with this problem in C

I leave here the code of a vector that I have made but I have no idea why it does not do what it should. I have put a variable called cantidad , and a vector[cantidad] so that the user can manage the values of the array but only...
asked on 24.07.2017 / 17:55