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Unexpected execution of setTimeout Javascript

For the following instruction: for(var i = 0; i<3; i++){ alert("Primero->"+i); setTimeout(function() { alert("Segundo->"+i); }, (i+1)*600); } The output is as follows:    First-> 0       First - >...
asked on 23.10.2016 / 12:54

jQuery - Error in moving object horizontally

   There is movement of the carousel content on both left and right sides when the left mouse / mouse button is pressed. But? The error is that moves the object by selecting everything, the idea of moving the object is to move both sides...
asked on 07.10.2016 / 17:30

Date format change to record and retrieve from MySQL

In a web application under jQuery , I'm using datepicker of jQuery UI . At datepicker I apply a regional setting so that the date is delivered in dd/mm/yyyy format. The user selects a date in the datepic...
asked on 18.11.2016 / 16:47

Optimize a query with a repeated subquery of MySQL

I have the following query SELECT * FROM TABLA_A WHERE CAMPO_1 IN ( SELECT CAMPO_X FROM TABLA_B ) OR CAMPO_2 IN ( SELECT CAMPO_X FROM TABLA_B ) The query works, I hope you can optimize the call of in since they are equal. I have...
asked on 28.09.2016 / 00:39

How can I know how many times a data is repeated in an sql query?

Good afternoon I want to know how to get the number of times that a type of data is repeated and take it to a table with php at the moment I have the following code but I do not know how to extract the number of times that a data is repeated in...
asked on 23.09.2016 / 22:35

Accessibility inconsistency c #

I have the following class that marks me error in the second word Address of the virtual method: public class Profesor { public Profesor() { } public Profesor(int id, string nombre, string ape1, string ape2) {...
asked on 18.11.2016 / 01:09

popup window with a video in browser

I am developing a web page and there is a request that I have from the client and I do not know how to carry it out. My idea is that as soon as you enter the index, a video appears in a pop-up window (advertising) and when this video ends, th...
asked on 27.10.2016 / 13:18

How to select records of the most recent date with MySQL?

I have table1 with the following records: campo1 campo2 campo3 Adrian 25 2016-09-17 Juan 27 2016-09-14 Alex 23 2016-09-03 Ana 31 2016-09-17 Rocio 29 2016-09-17 In the ev...
asked on 20.09.2016 / 03:38

javascript string.indexOf (array) does not work with long strings

I was looking for a good time but all the questions were different from mine. I'm trying to find a string in an array where the strings within the array contain more than one word, for example: var array = ["hola soy un string", " asd hola...
asked on 09.11.2016 / 10:50

Java JDBC error statement [closed]

I paste the code and consult from it, since I pass the field of the database from a combo and the value, the field does not take it, the value does. What happens? public ObservableList<Categoria> buscarCategoriaPorSeleccion( String c...
asked on 22.03.2017 / 19:59