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How can I join these two queries?

select Nombre, sum(Compras_Productos.Cantidad) as Cant_adq from Compras_Productos, Productos where Compras_Productos.Id_Producto=Productos.Codigo order by Nombre select Nombre, sum(Ventas_Productos.Cantidad) as Cant_vendida from Ventas_Productos...
asked on 30.09.2018 / 03:15

change asterisks by points in jpasswordfield java

The issue is that I do not want them to come out I want it to come out like that, with points How do I do it? use netbeans     
asked on 28.02.2018 / 03:52

How to avoid duplicate records in a mysql query

I have a table where I store companies. Then I have a table movements where I insert several effective amounts / bank and the id of a company from the company table. Structure of the company table: idCuCorriente | nBanco | ---+--...
asked on 06.12.2018 / 21:13

Put "||" (or) in a while in C ++

I'm learning C ++. I was doing some experiments, including a program where there are 2 variables with a value of 100 and a number is randomly subtracted from these variables: #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <tim...
asked on 14.09.2018 / 06:53

How to show current time in java?

long tMinTotal = System.currentTimeMillis() / (60 * 1000); int tMinCurrent = (int) (tMinTotal % (24 * 60)); hours = tMinCurrent / 60; minutes = tMinCurrent % 60; I know this is how it is done but I do not understand what the second line does....
asked on 29.10.2018 / 17:09

Class prototypes can be declared in c ++

class A { B x; }; class B { A x; }; The compiler tells me that B is not a type.     
asked on 02.11.2018 / 04:29

Is it possible to change the name of a property in a Json or Json array?

I need to change the name to a Json property from an array [ { nombre : 'Luis', apellido : 'Gonzales' }, { nombre : 'Maria', apellido : 'Perez' }, { nombre : 'Ignacia', apellido : 'Valdebenito' } ] and I need to modify it in the follo...
asked on 04.03.2016 / 02:53

How to create a personalized anchored shortcut?

My question or current problem is that I want to be able to create a direct access on the screen (currently as I could see in the documentation is called anchored access) that allows the user to activate a voice recorder by simply stepping on...
asked on 31.10.2018 / 00:14

Doubt about "= new Image"

I am learning to program, the question I have is the following, What happens when you write the code in this way? (background.image = new Image ();) - Why "new Image"? -What happens with the original "Image"? Greetings!     
asked on 20.09.2018 / 15:26

Problem generating a path with Path.Combine

I have the following problem, which has a bit of a head ... :( I am formatting 3 string to form a path with Path.Combine (C # and WPF) in the first string has its origin in a TextBox (this is the problematic), the other two I get from an object....
asked on 28.06.2018 / 16:17