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Progress bar or wait message, webview Android Studio

I have an activity with a webview where I show an external web page, this occasionally delays loading so I would like to put a progress bar or a message, this to avoid the user thinking that more than delay is that the application does not It's...
asked on 12.05.2017 / 23:53

Add class to the table

I have a series of tables generated by this api.    In its version 1.10.13. The headings should be centered and the body ones aligned to the right. var Dataset = []; var tituloMeses = []; tblTotales = $('#tblTotales').DataTab...
asked on 01.06.2017 / 21:09

Libraries and headers in c ++

I'm looking for information about C ++ libraries, but when I've read them I see missing headers like windows.h. What is the difference between a library and a header?     
asked on 25.05.2017 / 03:55

Get the names of the tables of a BD in postgresql

I am doing a script to audit the tables of a postgres database, for which I need to obtain the names of the tables that are in the database and in this way I can go through them through an array, since the Database has many tables and I do not w...
asked on 16.06.2017 / 18:25

Integrate Laravel 5 Apache in linux

Good I am trying to integrate laravel and apache but the routes are not recognized by the Apache. Well I show the configuration that I have in the virtutalHost of apache2 I have <VirtualHost *:80> #Alias /loginseg /var/www/html/...
asked on 20.05.2017 / 22:50

PHP: "Notice: Undefined variable", "Notice: Undefined index", and "Notice: Undefined offset" What do you mean?

When a notice occurs, the code may work, but it may not show what we expect. I think these are the three types of news that we can have most often in PHP.    Notice: Undefined variable    Notice: Undefined index    Notice: Un...
asked on 16.06.2017 / 13:36

Encrypt password 50 characters in VARBINARY (8000)

If I encrypt a 50-character password in a VARBINARY(8000) field, does it occupy some extra space when being 8000 length? Or is it how VARCHAR ?     
asked on 09.06.2017 / 17:40

How to correctly use the filter property in png CSS3 images

I already know that this could be done with other programs, but it has caused me curiosity in CSS. As you will see, img-amarillo has the same filter as img2-amarillo , however in the first one it does not change color and in...
asked on 27.02.2018 / 16:46

How to change the text "It is safe" that comes out when your page has SSL

I have a few pages with an SSL certificate installed and when you enter from Chrome there is a green padlock next to the text "It's safe". Browsing the Internet I have seen that some pages like the Police ( link ) in the place of "Is safe" appea...
asked on 14.03.2018 / 20:17

How to change the css styles of a select options?

I want to change the appearance of the box that contains the options of a select , use the selector of the option tag, to modify the options, and although if you change the select options, it is still contained in a box with...
asked on 30.05.2017 / 16:35