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what does NOT mean in UPDATE SQL?

Search Google and I can not find an answer for this, it seems easier to ask here. UPDATE table SET Paciente = Juan Perez WHERE RowID IN NOT (1,2.3)     
asked on 18.09.2016 / 06:22

Pass Fragments Data to Fragments in another activity

I have a problem that my application has stopped me. I have an activity with several fragments of which I need to shoot the event of one of the menu buttons, collect their data and send them to another activity to show them in the fragments for...
asked on 13.03.2016 / 05:34

Change the background color of the drawer elements when pressed

In the % activity_main_drawer.xml I define the elements of Navigation Drawer and separate them into 3 blocks as shown in the image shown at the end of the post. When selecting a elemento of the first block (Start, Notices...
asked on 06.07.2016 / 11:01

to use to generate pdf with c #

Sorry, I need to generate the format of a Mayan calendar with c #, it is formed by images and I do not know what I can use to do it, it is not a database report, there are 10 images that I need to print. it's something a format like this link...
asked on 23.02.2016 / 02:38

Problem when returning a list of JSON objects with AJAX, I can not access the properties of the object

Good morning, I have this web service: [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] public string ObtenirProvinciaByPoblacio(int CodiProvincia) { clsCRUD _ou2 = new clsCRUD(); try { _ou2....
asked on 28.01.2016 / 17:08

Can I use MySQL Server and PostgreSQL at the same time without port conflicts or other problems?

Sorry to ask you this but I have hardly any knowledge on this subject. I'm doing a project on Spring Roo and gvNIX using IDE Eclipse. I have seen tutorials that use Postgre SQL to do certain actions and examples how to use GEO components, I n...
asked on 09.05.2016 / 18:12

Know when the App is launched for the first time in IOS

This question is in Android , but how would it be in iOS ? How can you tell if it's the first time the app starts? It would be interesting, in the case that the user updates the application is detected as new or update.     
asked on 30.08.2016 / 13:28

Three-column horizontal adaptable div

I am learning HTML5 / CSS3. I want to make a horizontal div of three columns that, if the window is reduced or the web is loaded on a device with less horizontal space, it becomes three rows (that is, one column on top of another instead of o...
asked on 18.03.2016 / 11:55

Get array values within another PHP array

I have two arrays which contain the same number of values each. One contains the id of materia and the other calificaciones . I need to access the qualifications to later enter them into a database. The problem is that I c...
asked on 11.05.2016 / 18:45

Browse Json array in Angularjs

I would like to know how to obtain the parallels of each subject in angular js. So far I can get the name but not its parallel Could You Help Me? I have the following JSON: [ { "num": "125", "nom_coe": "Matematicas", "variacion"...
asked on 26.02.2016 / 00:20