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I get error [Error] no match for 'operator-' (operand types are 'std :: string {aka std :: basic_stringchar}' and 'int') calculate the age

#include <iostream> #include <ctype.h> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; int main(void){ string nombre, segundonombre, primerapellido, segundoapellido, fecha; cout<<"Este Programa Te Dira Tu Nombre Completo"<...
asked on 25.04.2017 / 06:09

iframe does not auto-reproduce on screen responsive mode

I have the following iframe with autoplay, in my Google Chrome normal mode it plays perfect, but if I enable the development tools and put the screen in responsive mode, it stops auto-playing, leaving only the preview of the video with th...
asked on 26.04.2017 / 09:16

Write to a vector and save info to a file

Good! I am trying to implement the recommendation that @eferion made in a previous question: Read string and floats of a file to calculate weighted average in C ++ But the IDE throws me several errors. The code is as follows: #include <...
asked on 05.06.2017 / 22:56

Can I get the name of the instance of a class?

I do not know if the question is well written but this is the question. I have my class ProductosLacteos . When I create the instance I do this: ProductosLacteos quesito = new ProductosLacteos(); Then I want to get quesito a...
asked on 26.04.2017 / 20:01

Differences between file reading classes

I have some doubts about the FileReader / bufferedReader and FileWritter / BufferedWritter classes, since I do not have very clear in which moment it is better to use one or the other.     
asked on 18.05.2017 / 07:24

MySQL returns "# 1054 - The column 'person.type' in on clause is unknown"

I have this sentence: SELECT registro_vehiculo.fecha_entrada, persona.nombre,tipo_servicio.tipo_servicio FROM registro_vehiculo,persona,tipo_servicio INNER JOIN tipo_persona ON tipo_persona.id_tipop=persona.tipo WHERE registro_vehiculo.fech...
asked on 08.06.2017 / 14:59

How to leave a service running in the background on Android by closing the application that starts it

From an Android application I create and execute a service that runs on a thread and runs in the background, but when the main application is completely closed, the service also dies. The thread I think I declare as Daemon but still "kill" th...
asked on 25.05.2017 / 13:39

How to load and view a local image

How can I show an image in img by selecting the file with input type file ? <img id="img1" src="" height="100px" width="100px" border="solid 1px"> <input id="inputFile1" type="file"> <script>...
asked on 03.01.2017 / 19:41

What is more effective? For or Foreach in PHP

Some time ago I have been programming in php. And I had the following doubt regarding the efficiency of the resources and the speed of how they behave. My question is this: What function is more effective when traversing an array? I w...
asked on 27.04.2017 / 17:19

Create database and tables from java

I am developing a SaaS and I am in the database part, what I want to do is create a database in postgresql for each client that registers but I do not know how to create them from java since the code that I have is the next: CREATE DATABASE "I...
asked on 20.12.2016 / 16:27