All Questions


Is it possible to style all the occurrences of a word in a text?

I would like to know if it is possible to do this that I contemplate: We have a text that I want to highlight X Word, for example, Every time I type "Hello" it appears written in Blue. Without having to label in each word, but configure the s...
asked on 30.12.2016 / 17:46

Set up a network in Git for collaborative work

I want to set up a network using git for the repositories, but not in a local way, but in some way there is a server and the other colleagues connected from home make their respective changes. I have a PC that I can use as a server, but it will...
asked on 24.12.2015 / 00:57

Compile and assign libraries in DEBUG mode in Android Java

I use the following libraries only if they are available in modo debug debugCompile 'com.github.brianPlummer:tinydancer:0.0.9' debugCompile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho:1.4.1' debugCompile 'com.uphyca:stetho_realm:2.0.0' In MainAct...
asked on 29.11.2016 / 14:14

How to change the date of a commit before doing 'git push'?

I was working ahead because I need free time in the next few days and I have already comiteado the changes to my local repository and pusheado a fork that I have as backup. Now, regarding the origin, I want to put commits A and B with date of...
asked on 20.03.2016 / 00:19

Everything in JavaScript is an object, true or false?

In several responses on this site I have read contradictory statements about whether everything in JavaScript is an object or not. What is the truth? The idea is that the answers are based on reliable sources, preferably in the ECMAScript...
asked on 10.07.2017 / 02:54

Memory failure error

I'm trying to create a game but when I pass the cell phone to try it I throw the error of lack of memory. I do not know why this error is occurring because the images I use do not take up much of anything. How can you solve it? Here is the ga...
asked on 14.05.2018 / 01:24

configure routes and sub-routes using ui-router

I am migrating an application to angular, but I got a bit involved with the routes, especially with the sub-routes, which I have the following problems and doubts: Structure of my application The passage of the index to the loading i...
asked on 11.03.2016 / 00:44

Git from command line in windows 7 can not create folder 'could not create /home/username/.ssh'

In a new installation of git, when the keys are set and everything using tortoise git the repositories are cloned correctly. also the pull and push command works without problems. However, when you open a command line to do that, when you run...
asked on 08.08.2017 / 20:58

Properties defined in, #id vs .class

I have a question about the use of div and .class . I have an HTML5 document with several div . The point is that the div has defined CSS properties and I intend to modify them using a class. When I try it, I check t...
asked on 04.05.2016 / 13:35

Error extracting string character UTF-8

NOTE Although it does not affect the template code ( utf8iterator.hpp ), the main.cpp depends on the encoding used when saving it to work correctly. In my system, I work with UTF-8, and said main.cpp is saved in the sa...
asked on 20.03.2017 / 11:00