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Doubt about parameters && in functions

Could someone explain to me what it means, a parameter defined with & & amp; Example: strc::strc(strc && o) { data = std::move(; = nullptr; msg("move ctor"); } Thanks. JC     
asked on 11.05.2018 / 22:19

Favorites android studio without database

I have a list with a series of streaming radios and I have to add a favorite button (the typical heart) and when I press it, that radio is saved in another activity (Favorites) and when it leaves and enters the application to save the changes bu...
asked on 02.05.2018 / 20:49

Is it possible to create an HTML table using the structure of a JSON?

I'm trying to create a table using a JSON file. What I'm looking for is to create the table based on the structure of the JSON, for example, I have the following JSON: { "Persona":{ "nombre":"Juan", "edad":28, "Residenc...
asked on 21.05.2018 / 03:50

Problem when trying to execute the sudo apt-get update command

I have just installed the distribution Linux linux 18.3 and I have not installed or moved anything at all. I just try to run the sudo apt-get update command to update the system packages and when running the command it generates the follo...
asked on 09.05.2018 / 15:26

How Does Inheritance Work Between Classes?

I can not understand something simple, I explain below: I have the class (The main one) and then I create another class of name so in the Function class all content (This all empty) public class Funcion...
asked on 19.05.2018 / 21:44

Iterate over a list and a dictionary to find mutations in a DNA sequence

I want to find a series of mutations by comparing a couple of sequences. The mutations are defined in two dictionaries and the two sequences have been converted into a list of tuples per position with zip() . I have written the followin...
asked on 01.06.2017 / 15:34

Pass a std :: vector by reference (Avoid Copy)

I am developing a mini-game. The classes involved in this question are: PlayState IA Terrorist. PlayState gives a Terrorist Vector to IA . Intelligence = new IA(terrorists, p->getRigidBody(), _world); The definiti...
asked on 04.07.2017 / 10:52

Walk through the bootstrap table with jQuery text and value HTML5

I have a problem with jQuery . I'm going through a table of bootstrap with certain values, I need the values to be saved in an array, at this moment I'm going through the values separately, I do not know how I can go through all the values a...
asked on 03.05.2018 / 20:45

C # - Auxiliary copy of an arraylist

I have to make a selection of things, that is, I have {"A", "B", "c"} when I select one of the elements, this has to be accommodated in another new array that shows me the selected elements, for example I select "A" and this would be like this {...
asked on 29.06.2017 / 15:57

var geochart options google does not work

I am working on geochart, although the map is correctly generated the color optionsAxis, title, backgroundColor, datalessRegionColor and defaultColor are not reflected in the map. google.charts.load('current', { 'packages': ['geochart...
asked on 21.06.2017 / 23:04