I have a script that worked quite well to date.
This makes several simple queries to mysql and then acts on a table of several million records by deleting matches with another table.
The issue is that the last job was much heavier than the pr...
I just migrated my code from sdk 22 to sdk 23, and in the test cell (moto g3) I had no problems, but it turns out that there are devices that present problems (Samsung Galaxy J2) ...
Before when I used compileSdkVersion = 22, both phones worked,...
I am generating a csv file from MySQL with PHP / PDO. I put the header, generate the list but record them continuously.
require ('includes/config.php');
$BD = new ConnDB();
$archivo_csv = "saldos.csv";
Good I have the following code, in which I have to calculate and visualize the sum and the product of the even numbers between 20 and 400 both inclusive. The product always shows me 0.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n=20;
I'm developing a website where I have a <div> (fixed size) and I'm adding small <div> through JavaScript with appendChild() .
The fact is that I can not do what I want, my idea is that they are added as follows...
I want to place the elements of a select to a textarea, the code that I have works well to add the text, but the problem arises when deleting the textarea text, if I delete something from it, it does not let me reposition more text from the sele...
Nesesito know why my program exploits for no reason, and how could I solve it, I'm moving in the architecture of a game, very simple, for now I only have the class Stage that serves as the main event which drew in the window everything th...
I have an error, as I mention in the good title it turns out that I'm doing a webform in c # and when executing it I get that error
Here my code:
public void Ordenes(int ID_Orden)
consulta = "P_SANCHEZ_ORDEN";
For a = [2, 3, 3, 1, 5, 2] , the output should be
firstDuplicate(a) = 3 .
There are 2 duplicates: numbers 2 and 3 . The second occurrence of 3
has a lower rate than the second occurre...
Good morning. My question is quite simple, I show it with this example:
$('#resultado').append($('<p>').html(13.135345 | 0));
$('#resultado').append($('<p>').html(122.333 | 0));