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Transform dataframe dictionary into a single DataFrame

I have a dictionary that has Pandas dataframes as values. I want to get a new DataFrame joining all the dataframes contained in the dictionary. The problem is that I need to create a new column in which each row has the value of the key o...
asked on 06.07.2017 / 11:50

Current url and url origin php [duplicated]

How can I get with php the url current where the script is running? Is it possible to obtain what is the url of origin if there is one? Example: If the url is:
asked on 06.06.2017 / 12:08

list dictionary elements and a list in a line

Hi, I'm doing a test with lists and dictionaries, I got to a point where I had something like that. datos = {'key1':'a','key2':'b','key3':'c'} dic = ["alfa","beta","gama"] My intention is to print a,alfa b,beta c,gama I tried it with a...
asked on 30.06.2017 / 08:20

Convert php date

I have the following date: "11-07-2017" day / month / year I need to convert it to "yy / mm / dd" to insert it into the mysql bd I have tried with this without results: $date = 11-07-2017; date_format($date,'Y-m-d'); I get this error:...
asked on 03.07.2017 / 23:06

Angular - Difference between Observable and Promise

I understand that an Observable is a promise but with filters to be able to make asynchronous calls without having to make many requests. I think I understand the concept but I do not have it clear in practice. In addition to a word search...
asked on 01.06.2017 / 06:23

Distribute List in list tuple (Haskell)

We have the following function: repartir [a] -> ([a],[a]) In order to distribute, you must distribute the main list in two lists, taking the elements in this way: repartir [1,2,3,4,5] ---> ([1,3,5],[2,4]) repartir "hola" --->...
asked on 25.10.2016 / 09:45

Problems to consult PHP night data

I have the following query to show the average temperature and relative humidity of the last two nights from the current date: SELECT DATE(date) AS Fecha, ROUND(AVG(temperature),2) AS Temperatura, ROUND(AVG(humidity),2)...
asked on 29.09.2016 / 14:25

Concatenate a string with a C ++ float

I have a problem when concatenating a string type variable with a float, I have the following: float c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0; std::string best = ""; Then I use it in the following way: best = "Imagen 1: " + c1; best = "Imagen 2: " + c2; be...
asked on 01.11.2016 / 21:40

How to group this type of query?

I have problems with formulating the query to resolve the following. I have a table like for example (illustration). I need to group by the trio of columns that appear in yellow and the fourth column of the result of the query would be the rec...
asked on 14.10.2016 / 18:24

How can I separate a string from a string

I need to enter a date, that you enter as string example: 21/10 / 2016-12: 04, and these data convert each one into a data type, (int, byte), to make validations and then enter them to a calendar     
asked on 21.10.2016 / 07:07