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Pointer to struct in ansi C

I have defined the following globally. char buffer[32+1]; TOKEN tokenActual; int flagToken = 0; typedef enum{ INICIO, FIN, LEER, ESCRIBIR, ID, CONSTANTE, PARENIZQUIERDO, PARENDERECHO, PUNTOYCOMA, COMA, ASIGNACION, SUMA, RESTA, FDT,...
asked on 20.10.2017 / 17:14

C # Math.Round (). Only one sentence works for me.

Why does the first rounding statement work for me and the second does not? //Esta Funciona decimal discountAmount = Math.Round(subTotal * discountPercent, 2); //Esta no funciona decimal discountAmount = subTotal * discountPercent; Mat...
asked on 29.03.2017 / 04:12

Can you manipulate the hdmi output with java?

What I want to do is from an application to generate images and watch them on a TV connected to the pc by hdmi, the idea is that the TV does not show the interface of the application or the interface of the operating system, but only the image t...
asked on 06.03.2017 / 02:05

Replace a character of a string and show the final string with spaces included

Basically my code is ready, the only problem is that when I show the modified end string, it only shows me the first word (When it finds a space it ignores the rest) I know that my program stops counting when it meets "\ 0" and I also know that...
asked on 24.03.2017 / 17:07

Undo a "merge branch master" to my "current branch"

I am working with a branch B and I have the branch Master . I just finished my modifications and I wanted to add them to the Master, but instead of doing this I made a merge branch 'Master' into 'B' (I put it in English becau...
asked on 04.11.2017 / 00:52

Android how to avoid closing the user's session when the app is removed from the background

How can I achieve that when the user minimizes the application with the home or back button and then removes it from the apps running in the background does the session not close? It turns out that you log in correctly with Google+, but if th...
asked on 21.08.2016 / 21:22

Decimals in angular

I have the following: <td>{{results | number:2}}</td> => esto sale en la vista 120.00 <td> <input type="number" ng-model="results" step="any"/> => esto sale en la vista 120 <input type="number"...
asked on 31.03.2017 / 09:40

ScrollView does not work "Android Studio"

The truth is I have some basic knowledge in Android programming and others. I am making an application in Android Studio that tries to make a main screen so that a teacher and parent can register and log in. In the activity in which the parent r...
asked on 08.03.2017 / 15:03

jquery DataTables does not allow opening modal dialog after 10 rows

I have a problem when using jquery Datatables , I do not know why it does not allow me to open modal dialogs that are called after row 10, everything works normal in rows 1 - 10 of the table, however I do not know what happens that all the othe...
asked on 10.05.2016 / 00:44

Downloading .CSV file in firefox does not work correctly with web application

I have a web application using aspx and with C # code. I am using HttpResponse to be able to download the result in a CSV file. When I use Chrome it downloads without problems with the extension .csv. The problem is when I use FireFox,...
asked on 10.02.2016 / 20:15