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Regex to replace special characters - JAVA

I have this function in Java, quite dirty and a little bad, what it does is pick up a word and replace the 'special' characters, I would like to know another more ergonomic way to do it, if it is with a Regex or with something else. private St...
asked on 26.09.2018 / 11:54

center svg on a

Hello to everyone! I've been trying for a while but there's no way to do it, I try to center a vector object (svg) on a link 'a' and there's no way guys .. When you enlarge the page or make it smaller the svg goes out of 'a' instead of stay insi...
asked on 21.09.2018 / 17:32

jquery writing time

I have a question and I have not been able to find a solution. What happens is that I'm using a bar code in a input , but this input also has a function to look up real-time data (ajax) in the database, which I try to do when the...
asked on 24.08.2018 / 15:04

Memory Regions of the JVM What is the difference between the Heap and Stack memory?

When a java application is started, you can set the memory boot directives with -Xms and Xmx to define with what minimum memory the application starts and which is the maximum it can occupy. My query is What kind of memory is affected by these p...
asked on 27.09.2018 / 20:01

Problem in Java! (impression of a value returned within an if)

It turns out that I have some problem at the time of continuing with my code which is a task of u, I usually use Javascript, and I'm new to Java, so I do not know many basic things, but having experience programming in another language such as J...
asked on 04.09.2018 / 22:40

JQuery the menu effect works only once

link Hello everyone. Thanks in advance for your help. In the link I have attached, I am trying to animate the menu bar. The idea is that each time you click on a link, the bar disappears completely and reappears. Problems: The animati...
asked on 28.09.2018 / 12:04

Create a repetition or route every certain data from an explode

I have the following code: $pal = "3,5 1401 4145 7854 8454 7458 5152556555 3,5 1401 4145 7854 8454 7458 5152556555 3,5 1401 4145 7854 8454 7458 5152556555"; $pal = explode(" ",$pal); print_r($pal); The result is something like this: Array...
asked on 17.09.2018 / 19:17

Tables in BOOTSTRAP 3

I need the nested column in row two to cover the entire column My code is this: <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <!-- FILA 1--> <div class="col-md-12"> <h1>Prueba...
asked on 18.04.2017 / 21:38

How to update a db without losing data in the tables of these in Laravel?

Every time I need to add a field, another modification I have to execute the php artisan migrate: refresh command but in doing so I update the db but it deletes the data already inserted. Is there a way to avoid that?     
asked on 19.04.2017 / 19:02

How to perform an action when you stop writing in a JText Field in Java Swing? (something like Java's onChange script)

I have a JText Field where you can type the amount of a product and I want to call a function after filling the JText Field to be able to so convert the value entered in currency. I did not find something similar in Key events and used keyPre...
asked on 11.09.2018 / 00:05