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Image overlay without position: absolute

I have tried to position two images, this way The tear is a picture .png This is the html structure <div class="intertTa"> <div class="ta borderes ico"> <img src="..."> <img class="bad" src=...
asked on 21.12.2018 / 20:32


I need to translate the following query from SQL to LINQ in .NET with C #: This is the SQL query to translate: SELECT COUNT(id_documento) FROM documento I need the value to be stored in a variable or to capture the n...
asked on 08.04.2018 / 06:09

Difference between fetch and fetchall in PHP?

I would like to know what is the difference between fetch and fetchall in php, so I saw that fetch returns a single field and fetchall all the fields, but using PDO it seems to me that it does not matter which one I use, total use (PDO: : FETCH_...
asked on 27.07.2018 / 04:42

Word Finder with JavaScript

My problem is this, on the internet I found a scrip to implement a word filter within my project, it works perfectly. Example: Filter "Tienda Abarrotes Pablo" and it shows me the name of the store and its characteristics but if I search for "...
asked on 14.12.2018 / 22:36

Validate input type numeric?

How to validate a numerical type field so that it does not accept the minus sign (-) or the plus sign (+). because it only accepts numbers but between numbers it also accepts + and less        
asked on 19.11.2016 / 00:03

Create a "hidden" class only accessible from another

I am creating an API and I would like the user to only depend on one class, so that he does not have to search through several and be simpler (For this example, I will use the names ClassA and ClassB, ClassA being the public and Class B I want t...
asked on 11.10.2016 / 08:43

SQL 60,000 records in less than 3 minutes

Today I have an optimization question, my boss wants me to save 60,000 records in the shortest possible time. For this I have made a query that takes information from a .csv file and I put it on a temporary basis, from which I make a small fil...
asked on 23.08.2018 / 19:38

Use regex to replace all occurrences with CASE_INSENSITIVE (regardless of uppercase and lowercase)

I try to make a method that finds and replaces words using regular expressions. The point is that I must be able to find and replace the word regardless of whether it has uppercase letters or not. This is the code that I carry: public String r...
asked on 09.11.2016 / 02:51

Back to parent activity

In manifest.xml I have the following: <activity android:name="ActividadA"> </activity> <activity android:name="ActividadB" android:parentActivityName="ActividadA"> </activity>...
asked on 24.10.2016 / 18:04

middleware (User roles) in laravel 5.2

I am in the development of a human resources system, for which I am using laravel in version 5.2. but I am in a dilemma when using middleware , so far I have 3 types of roles, the Administrator , Adminstrative and finally the Teacher that...
asked on 05.12.2016 / 15:57