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Insert data in SQL Server without being installed on my computer

I want to know if there is any way to insert data in a database that is in SQL Server without having any of the versions of this installed or have Visual Studio installed e my team. These are the data I have: server = tcp: "Link to...
asked on 23.02.2017 / 18:01

For each in javascript?

In java you can: for (elemento e : array) Jquery $.each(arr, function() { in javascript I know what I can do for (var i = 0; i > 10; i ++) But is there any way to do a for-each in pure javascript?     
asked on 25.07.2016 / 09:58

Constant expressions to detect the presence and value of macros

I am making great efforts to translate the macros of my projects to constant expressions that can be used with if constexpr . At the moment I have achieved almost satisfactory results doing some tricks with macros, I start defining macros...
asked on 28.02.2017 / 12:50

Transfer files from sub-folder to main folder in python

I have enough folders that in turn have their respective sub-folders, inside one of those sub-folders there is a subfolder_1_2, subfolder_2_2, subfolder_3_2 that contains files for example: carpeta │── Subcarpeta_Principal1 │...
asked on 19.01.2016 / 21:44

Doubt with the code to add and extract the factorial in Java

I'm starting with the Java programming language and I'm very green, the first exercise already brings me a headache, I have a problem to solve with this code, because I do not know how it really works, I had to add all the numbers from 1 at 100...
asked on 14.10.2016 / 13:21

"Index file corrupt" using git

Use git for version control. But I have started receiving the following error message when I try to do any operation in the repository: fatal: index file corrupt This means that it can not operate or do anything with the code....
asked on 02.03.2017 / 17:05

Query to have only the names of records

I need a query that shows me a table name in which are last names and names separated by a comma example: Martinez Nutero, Juan Alberto and I need you to only show me the value from the comma. I tried this query but it does not work fo...
asked on 14.09.2016 / 22:56

Capture key pressed Android

I'm making an Android application and I need to capture the keys that are pressed on the keyboard. I am new programming in Xamarin and it would help me a lot if someone could guide me.     
asked on 27.04.2016 / 17:39

Merge cells in DataGridView VB.NET

The question I have is, how can I combine cells in a DataGridView? In my VB.NET project I have a DataGridView that shows information from a table in my MySQL database in the following way: And what I want is to combine the celas of t...
asked on 12.05.2016 / 16:55

Read data from bluetooth device

I am developing an Android application and I implemented a bluetooth bar code reader, the problem is that I could not get to read what the device delivers. In my class I can see and get the devices associated with my phone but I can not read wha...
asked on 19.02.2016 / 13:26