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Inheritance exercise in JavaScript

They ask us to carry out this exercise and I have some doubts about the inheritances. My solution that I do not know if it is correct function Animal(nombre, especie, numPatas, cola) { this.nombre = nombre; this.especie = especie; thi...
asked on 25.05.2018 / 00:54

Java. Error calling a class

In a university assignment I'm having problems trying one of the classes because it will not let me call her. It does not let me use neither Banco.listarDescybuerto(); nor his.listarDescubierto(); public class Banco { Client...
asked on 18.05.2017 / 18:14

You do not see anything again

I'm trying to use Android Studio, but fuck for everything. I put two buttons and you can not see anything. CLASS package com.example.jhon.myapplication; import; import android.os.Bundle; import andr...
asked on 11.09.2018 / 10:00

Application in C # start in Textbox in specific

Good morning, I have this little doubt, what happens when running my application as seen inside the image starts already selected a radiobutton. My question is: How can I select so that at the moment of running the application I start in t...
asked on 28.07.2018 / 01:56

Remove duplicates ... under certain guidelines

I have a table Peticiones whose design is: NPeticion - nvarchar FechaApertura - date TipoPeticion - nvarchar FechaResolucion - nvarchar ... (más campos, irrelevantes para este asunto) The question is that I try to make a q...
asked on 12.04.2017 / 13:12

Relate two C # dictionaries

I have two text files with the following data (separated by tabs): CLIENT ID_CLIENTE CLIENTE MERCADO 1198 CTA G 1285 FGF B 1112 EJESA B 1131 ESPERANZA F 1150 NORP...
asked on 04.04.2018 / 01:08

Is it necessary to use two types of validations in laravel?

I will present a topic that you may know, but for me it is not entirely clear ( for the amount of time I've been using the Laravel framework ), I hope this topic can be explained here: It turns out that I am developing a sitio web (admi...
asked on 11.04.2018 / 16:48

Reading files in c ++

I have a Store class with a method to read users of a file: void Store::leerUsuarios(const string &nombreFichero){ ifstream fichero;; if (fichero.is_open()) { string nom, mail, contrasenya; while (!...
asked on 26.05.2018 / 02:17

replace values in symbols in a string

I have the following string: Var text='¡Hola $var1$! Gracias $var2$' How can I replace what is between $ by the value of the variable. Example: var1="Juan", var2="Pedro" Resultado='¡Hola Juan! Gracias Pedro' The text can have more var...
asked on 11.07.2017 / 16:47

Error in explode folder separator?

In the following code <?php $urlproducto = $_GET['url']; $carpetas = $_GET['cat']; $categoria = explode('/', $carpetas); echo $categoria; ?> shows me the error of: notice: array to string conversion line 4 I need to unify th...
asked on 28.07.2018 / 07:34