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Carousel Boopstrap with different intervals for each slide

Hello, I am doing a banner with the carousel that comes in boopstrap, the requirements indicate that each slide should last a certain time and that when I put the mouse on one of the slides it should pause. HTML: <div id="carousel-pu...
asked on 07.02.2016 / 23:38

remove row from html table with Jquery or JS

How to delete the row of an html table with js or jquery or css ?, I have a table that shows product records of a Query SQL to my BD, I add a button where it opens a modal to register some data belonging to that record , when I have finished fil...
asked on 05.05.2016 / 01:16

Does anyone know how to send a message by whatsapp using PHP? [closed]

Good, I'm in a problem that I've been looking for for several days, if you can send a message by whatsapp using PHP, I do not know if there is a php class for it, something I read with an unofficial WhatsApp API, but I do not achieve make it wor...
asked on 17.05.2016 / 08:22

Xcode does not recognize my device

I'm trying to compile my Xcode project on my iPad, but I'm getting an error that says my iPad can not be recognized, the device is updated to the latest version of IOS 9.2 . At first I got an error saying Xcode can not run the selected...
asked on 16.12.2015 / 05:42

Synchronize audios with HTML5 and Javascript

I want to merge two audios into one to synchronize them with HTML5 on the client side. I've seen that with Web Audio Api you can do many things, but I have not been able to find how to do it. I have the link to two audio files (.mp3, .wav ......
asked on 22.07.2016 / 11:39

Format date on MySql

When executing the following statement, the error occurs: Unabled to convert Date/time . I try to show the information that this query brings in a DataGridView . SELECT codigo, nombre, marca, precio, CONVERT(fechaexpira, DATE) FROM...
asked on 23.08.2016 / 20:38

How do I close a modal with bootstrap 4 in Angular?

Using - > this library < < - : Example of my modal : <ng-template #content let-modal> <div class="modal-header"> <h4 class="modal-title" id="modal-basic-title">Crear</h4> <button type="bu...
asked on 21.09.2018 / 21:50

Other uses of the link tag

Apart from the traditional use of cascading style sheets: <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"/> Is there any other use of the <link> element that is useful in a web page? Does the HTML5 standard give any light about i...
asked on 26.02.2016 / 04:08

APK not compatible with my Android devices

I have four updates of one of my apps modifying the AndroidManifest.xml for if I get the tab "application compatible with all your devices" and I'm not successful the app's tab . I have the following devices EEpad TF101 (ICE_CREAM...
asked on 12.04.2016 / 17:55

Character strings as pointers in c

I am learning C and I understand perfectly the pointers and their relation with the arrays, but my problem comes with the character strings. We declare a string of characters like this: char cadena[] = "Hola"; is equivalent to: char caden...
asked on 25.08.2016 / 20:43