Questions tagged as 'html5'


Insert in database with JavaScript and php

I'm trying to insert into the database. The operation would be to give the button "Apuntarse" and that by inserting the user and the id of the hang-up to the database at the same time that the button is deactivated and the "Unplug" button is act...
asked by 08.06.2018 / 11:34

How to redirect data to another javascript

I tell you, I have a calendar project, calendar, so that it is "indexed" in a body_agenda.php file, which determines some higher buttons that if you press one you pass to the calendar for weeks, if you press another one to the days ... Well,...
asked by 09.06.2018 / 17:18

Focus an item when iterating over the

I am simulating a screen reader for my web page. What I do is that I add all the elements of the DOM inside an array and then when the user presses some combination of keys in the array and using the speechSynthesis API of html5 I generate the a...
asked by 27.05.2018 / 22:32

Problem with javascript event handling when losing focus of an HTML span element

I have this code: <span contenteditable="true" id="Texto_publicacion_user_main_click" name="hola" onclick="publicar_usuario_texto();">Publica algo aquí</span> <span contenteditable="true" id="Texto_publicacion_user_...
asked by 26.05.2018 / 05:25

Outgoing content of a dialog with CDM

I have a problem with a dialog using Material Design Lite, I have some tabs with forms inside but for some reason when I put more elements inside the buttons "Save" and "Cancel" go out of the limits of the dialog as It is shown below: h...
asked by 14.05.2018 / 21:39

Help with the validation of a name input mask in JS

I have an input which I am validating that I only enter letters, although it works, I also restrict the "spacebar" key. I am quite new in the use of this tool, I do not know how to add that key to the query in case the user decides to place two...
asked by 18.06.2018 / 14:59

@ Html.Captcha does not work correctly

Recently I developed a page that has html and razor, in it I have an @ html.Captcha like the following: @Imports CaptchaMvc.HtmlHelpers @Html.Captcha("Refrescar", "Por favor, escriba el texto de la imagen.", 5, "Is required field.", True) T...
asked by 18.06.2018 / 20:13

is there any way in which javascript identifies if the html object is a select or an input?

I am developing a tool on a web page that has several forms for filling information, my query is if it is possible with javascript to differentiate between a select or an input. I appreciate the help     
asked by 08.05.2018 / 15:41

Boost for mp3 audio with javascript

I'm trying to play this sound link 5 times higher, but I can not: document.getElementById("myaudio").volume = 5; setTimeout(function(){document.getElementById("myaudio").play();},1); setTimeout(function(){document.getElementById("mya...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 16:42

AJAX Multiples submit in a form

I need to have 2 or more buttons in a FORM and each with a different action, I know that I can do this directly with HTML by adding a formaction but I need to do this from AJAX , I am also aware that I can use a onclick on each button,...
asked by 04.05.2018 / 15:36